Thursday, June 12, 2008

The never-ending story begins...

We are in the process of acquiring a new family home. Not that this is our first stab at realty purchase. But the first purchase was more out of necessity than any flights of fancy (financial constraints notwithstanding). This one comes closer to being a dream house.

Only, it is still a house – all mortar and bricks, with the outward trappings slowly falling into place. The tinkle of laughter, conversational chatter, drippy laundry, clanking cutlery…. and the warmth that a living space exudes, is still missing.

This blog aims to capture the essence of turning the house into a home, little by little, inch by inch. Stay tuned…


  1. Hi,

    Thanks for visiting my blog, and I hope you find it useful. Adbhuta is on the Mehrauli Gurgaon road. When you're headed from Gurgaon towards Delhi, cross the border and start looking out for a board on the left side that says "Anandgram." A little past that is another small turn towards the left with a blue board for "Silver Oak Farms" (or something like that). It's just before where they're making the Metro station. Take that turn left and drive in for less than a minute. There aren't really any shops here...just some farmhouses etc. One of the gates (dark green I think) next to some local shops is the Adbhuta workshop/warehouse. You'll need to ask a security guard to tell you exactly which one since there's no board.

    Good luck with your shopping! Where are you moving to in Gurgaon?

  2. Thanks for the directions, Manika. I'll try visiting the place when we are ready to move lock, stock and barrel.
