Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Recap: Jan & Feb 09

Here's a recap of the past few months while I was away from this blog.

The beginning of the year saw us take the first concrete step towards turning the new house into a home. We moved our existing furniture on the 19th and ordered for some new furniture on the 25th.

Pictures of the sample furniture in the store display.


The smallest month of the year turned out to be big for us! We decided to spend the Valentine weekend in the new house, amidst all the chaos of unsettled furniture and a half-arranged kitchen. But the effort was well worth it. We got a first-hand taste of how life in the new place would be when we move, and realised that two things were essential to stay in this neighbourhood - a phone and a car.

My daughter catches up on some food in the midst of royal chaos.

So we promptly brought home our new car on the 19th and that sure brought a lot of smiles on the kids' faces. :)

As I went out for a ride in the new car on the 20th, the postman handed me a parcel from the US. Guess what? My pansy drawing that I have written about here had finally arrived! Didn't I tell you Feb was a big month...

We also shopped around for curtains and cushions for the living room and got some fab deals since the sales were on. Some of our new furniture was delivered towards the end of the month but that turned out to be a mixed bag. While the sofas seemed fine, the beds were not quite what I wanted.

And thereby hangs another tale that I'll cover in detail in a future post on this blog.

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