Monday, June 1, 2009

Tying Up Loose Ends

We just completed two months of living in our new residence. These have been two months of hard work, trying to tie up all the loose ends that keep popping up once you start living in a new house.
Remember the grill painting exercise that I talked about here? Well, much as we tried, hubby and me could not progress beyond one balcony. So we finally hired some painters to finish the paint job for us in all four balconies.

One of the painters busy painting our kitchen balcony grill

We also got additional grills fitted on the windows of the living room and the kids' bedroom. Security is one aspect where there is no compromise, so this was another major loose end tied up. Phew!
A peek of our living room grills

Leaking faucets and WCs, broken latches and sundry other work also took up our time.

Almost all our weekends zip by in getting these loose ends tied up. But we aren't really complaining (at least not yet!). After all nothing beats the pleasure of living in your own brand new home. :)

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