Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Garden Slab Mosaic

This month we finally finished our first mosaic project. Gave a colourful makeover to a dull, grey concrete slab lying around the front garden, turning it into a pretty stepping stone instead.

Now this is no ordinary mosaic. It contains contributions from 3 generations - the pink pieces belong to a tea set my mother received on her wedding, the other coloured pieces have come out of broken and damaged ceramic crockery from my kitchen, while the square tiles on the edging were collected by my children from our previous home when they were younger. This coming together of 3 generations is what makes this piece of mosaic really special!!!

To read about the project details and the process we followed to make this mosaic, click here.

The mosaic tile now sits right in front of the children's bedroom window, under the papaya tree, nestling amidst the greens and blooms.

Love how we turned something ordinary to something special. We've got just one life; live inspired, I say!

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