Thursday, March 31, 2022

Colours of Spring 2022


After one of the coldest winters on record, spring just didn't last long enough this year. Though this is a gripe I have almost every year, day temperatures warmed up so quickly this time that it felt as if we moved straight from winters to summers. 

But before we melt in the intense heat of full-blown summers, here are the best shots from the front garden.

I also changed my planting strategy this time and focussed on the hardy varieties that blossom easily without much fuss. 

Plus I created mixed pockets of colour all over the garden instead of keeping each area of a specific colour/variety. 

Decoratives and edibles blossomed side-by-side, like the poppies and brinjals.

Our newly created mosaic garden stake only added to the colours and drama.

Our red roses blossomed well, and were huge. Though we didn't get any cauliflowers, we got a profusion of gobhi-ke-phool!

In the final burst, lots of roses and some phloxes added a burst of colour. 

But they barely lasted a week since summer arrived a whole month early. And even as I write this post, Spring is already over!

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