Saturday, June 11, 2022

Encounters With A Bull Frog


After an exceptionally hot and parched summer that lasted longer than usual, one had expected to see a dwindling amphibian population. But at the first signs of rain, out came this bull frog from a storm water drain.

When it first made an appearance, we thought it would find a home amidst the numerous pots and dense bushes like most of its tribe did. But this guy had other plans... Instead of hiding from us humans, he proceeded to jump right in our faces, eliciting shocked screams and some heightened cardiac activity from me. Not just once, but repeatedly over a couple of days. 

Before long he took over the front garden, swiftly moving from one end to the other with his characteristic quick and long jumps. And then he would sit staring at us with his beady black eyes, almost accusing us of trespassing his territory and disturbing his peace. He made himself comfortable in my containers, lounging in them as though he was sitting in a bathtub!

Till one morning the boys decided to reclaim the front yard, and gave the fellow a little poke in his hind side. While the first couple of pokes were met with some disdain as the bullfrog scuttled about the garden, a third push became the last straw. The fellow jumped his way straight out of the garden and the main gate, determined to find a new abode. Even as we watched half-amused, he crossed the lane and disappeared down another drain. Bye-bye, bullfrog.... till we meet again.

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