Saturday, January 25, 2020

Going Organic - Part 3

Despite the unusually cold, wet and grey winter this time, our backyard has yielded a decent winter harvest.

Enough coriander for a jar full of chutney.

A big bowl of spinach that will get used in a salad for dinner tonight.

And then there are the radish and beetroot greens that are doing great through growing in plain water (hydroponics). The beet leaves also go into our salad while the radish greens, along with garlic and onion greens, make for yummy paratha fillings.

So grateful for this organic goodness on our plates and in our tummies!

Monday, January 20, 2020

The First Winter

After one of the worst summers (that you can read about here), winter came early this year and was particularly harsh, with grey sunless days lasting well over 2 weeks. The newspapers say that December 2019 was the coldest since 1971.... that is way before I was born!

Well, here are a few of our favourite things that helped us get by this cold and gloomy season. Flowers brightened up our home, of course...

As did some sumptuous food. Making our own plum cake for the new year only added to our joy.

As did roasting a whole bird for my man's special day. Thankfully, our culinary experiments turned out well.

Despite rain and fog overwhelming our days, we enjoyed the jewels of nature.... like the string of pearls on nasturtium leaves.

And some pretty evenings.

Now looking forward to warmer days ahead as Spring should be round the corner.

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